Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Walking Dead 03/10/13

The Walking Dead

     AMC's The Walking Dead focuses on a group of survivors in a post-apocalyptic society plagued by zombies.  Sunday's episode focused on two rivaling groups preparing to go to war with each other, while their respective leaders attempted to negotiate peace.  Neither Rick, nor the self proclaimed Governor, ever actually considered peace.  Sunday's episode, titled "Arrow in the Doorpost," was a filler episode focusing on the dynamic between the two groups and how they prepared for battle.  With resources scarce, the two would never peacefully coexist.  Andrea, a member of Rick's group who is now living with the Governor in Woodbury, has a tough decision to make.  Will she return to the group who she has spent the last year of her life with? Or will she stay with the Governor and kill her friends for a warm bed within a gated community.  Her decision may be the deciding factor on who survives.  There are only three episodes remaining in this season of AMC's The Walking Dead, and they guarantee to be action packed!
     The phone case above shows an illustration depicting The Walking Dead for the Samsung Galaxy SIII.  The black colored case with a glossy finish can be purchased off of SunshineDesignOnline's Etsy shop.  For $15.99, plus shipping and handling, the case is a perfect addition to any fan's Walking Dead collection.  Follow this link to purchase: The Walking Dead Phone Case - Etsy

The Governor



  1. i love the show but now im pissed i have an iphone when this case is for the galaxy

    1. If you follow this link here you can find the same case but for the iphone.
